MOOG 2017与2019版本对比


Posted by mingjie on December 24, 2019

Chris Sneden的MOOG悄咪咪地从FEB2017版变成了NOV2019版。 Let’s see what is changed.

Modified functions

The driver isotop is deprecated, and its functions are merged into the driver synth. To my understanding, we need to use isotop driver before when we specify the isotope variable, but now we don’t need to do this.

New/deleted files


Estim.f and Minimax.f no longer exist in 2019 version.,Setmols.f and Setmols.r are added in 2019 version.

文件之间的变化 (Changes in files)

有21个文件发生了变化。一个一个来看有什么不同吧。程序文件:Bmolec.f, Eqlib.f, Ewfind.f, Inmodel.f, Lineinfo.f,, Moog.f, Moogsilent.f, Nearly.f, Opacit.f, Opacmetals.f, Specplot.f, Sunder.f;安装文件:Makefile.macdesk, Makefile.macdesksilent, Makefile.maclap, Makefile.maclapsilent, Makefile.rh, Makefile.rh64, Makefile.rh64silent, Makefile.rhsilent。 几乎有一半是安装文件。

21 files have been changed in 2019 version.
They are program files: Bmolec.f, Eqlib.f, Ewfind.f, Inmodel.f, Lineinfo.f,, Moog.f, Moogsilent.f, Nearly.f, Opacit.f, Opacmetals.f, Specplot.f, Sunder.f; and installation files: Makefile.macdesk, Makefile.macdesksilent, Makefile.maclap, Makefile.maclapsilent, Makefile.rh, Makefile.rh64, Makefile.rh64silent, Makefile.rhsilent.


This routine contains the default list of molecules and ions used in the equilibrium calculations. This list includes species needed for continuous opacity and damping calculations in addition to the ions and molecules that have an affect of the partial pressures of the following: H, He, C, N, O, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, and Fe.

  • He+, F+, Al+, Si+, Ti+, Fe+, AlH, SiH, FeH, MgO, and TiO are added into variable smallmollist.
  • F+ is added into variable largemollist.
  • Partition functions of H_2O and CO_2 are added and are from HITRAN website.


Only some comments are added.


Some calculation detail and output format is change (I think they just simply the code but do not make change to the result). Further I am not using this subroutine.


The length of default molecule list is enlarged (probably consistent with Bmolec). The valiable numdens now are not used in 2019 version.


Some calculation detail is changed according to Sunder.


The make detail is changed. Hope it works without modification.

A sentence “NOTE: the isotop driver has been eliminated; your synthesis needs for elemental and isotopic abundances now can be handled with the synth driver” is added.

Variable name changed and added.


A new warning on isotop.


Allowed triatomic calculation for H_2O and CO_2.

Opacit, Opacmetals

Number slightly changed.


Output changed, but this subroutine is not used by me.


This routine breaks up molecule amol into leftmost atom i1 and
the rest of the molecule i2.

Not sure yet.

Does the synthetic spectra changed?

No (or I haven’t found them for now). I did a quick compare using the same patch file and found the differences between spectra are 0.